Sunday, May 9, 2010


We are in Brisbane. Staying with a new CS family here (Vincent and Riley) They are another great father/son family. We love it here. We have been having some great meals. Yesterday Reiley (son), who loves to cook. Made us his special Mussaka. We also BBQed some lamb steaks and made Greek salad. Today, after a day at the windy and somewhat cloudy beach. We had BBQ roo burgers with fried egg on them. Mmmm egg on a burger is good. We also had some watermellon and more greek salad.
Today is mother's day. So I didn't have to do much cooking, though I haven't been doing much anyways. Tomorrow I hope to do a buch of baking before we leave for Cairnes on Tuesday. I miss baking. I think maybe I'll make some cookies, muffins and reese peanut butter squares.

The view from a mountain overlooking Brisbane

Surfer's paradise beach

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi..Food sounds great but what is Mussaka?